Grades/Rest of the year update...

Hello all my beautiful people. I still miss you so much. I went to school today and picked up all your work and updated the grades. I wanted to update you on what you need to do going forward from today. Here is how it works:
IF you are good with your grade in my class, you don't need to do anything. That is the grade you will get. IF you want your grade to be higher, then you need to either complete makeup work, do some work on the district portal, or contact me and I can give you work to complete. Once you complete the work, you can send it to me through email or you can take pictures and send them through remind. YOU HAVE 8 WEEKS TO RAISE YOUR GRADE. 
I WILL BE AVAILABLE Monday-Friday FROM 10am-3pm to answer any of your questions or to help you with anything you need. Even if you just want to chat, I'm here for you.