Temescal Canyon High School

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About Us » Health Office

Health Office

Beth Marler


[email protected]



Maria Lopez

Health Technician

[email protected]

Maria Lopez Health Tech


Health Services

There is a health clerk on duty each day to assist with illness or injury. She is located in the Administration Building next to the Counseling Lobby. A registered nurse is on-call for emergencies.
Illness At School
In case of illness, a student must obtain a pass from his/her teacher to go the health office. The health office must contact a parent or an individual listed on the emergency card in order for a student to leave campus due to illness.
If you are injured on campus or during a school supervised event, report the injury to your teacher, coach, or supervisor immediately.
Medical Emergency Cards
The emergency card information is needed to contact parent/guardian in case of emergency. All information requested on the card must be provided and updated as changes occur.

California Immunization Requirements for High School
4 doses at any age, but 3 doses meet requirement if at least one was given on or after the 2nd birthday.         
Diphtheria, Tetanus
4 doses at any age, but 3 doses meet requirement if at least one was given on or after the 2nd birthday.
Measles, Mumps, Rubella (MMR)
2 doses on or after 1st birthday
Hepatitus B         
3 doses at any age
2 doses are needed if immunized on or after 13th birthday. Applies to out-of-state entrants.
 Students who have not met the requirements as outlined will be excluded until verification is provided. The following are considered acceptable forms of documentation:
  • Original copy of CA School Immunization Record (CSIR)
  • Records from physician/clinic
  • Original copy of Yellow CA Immunization Card
  • Out of state school records
Administration of Medication During School Hours
Under special circumstance, it may be necessary for a student to take medication during the school day. This is permissible by law when specific procedures have been followed. Medication Authorization forms are available in the health office. All medication, including over-the-counter products (pain relief, cough medicine, etc.) must be dispensed by the health office only.

A.                GENERAL POLICY
1.      No student shall be given medication during school hours except upon written requested from a licensed physician/healthcare provider who has the responsibility for the medical management of the student. The parent or guardian must sign all such requests.
2.      A new form is required for each prescription change and at the beginning of each school year.
1.    Parents/guardians shall be encouraged to cooperate with the physician to develop a schedule so that necessity for taking medication at school will be minimized or eliminated.
2.  Parents/guardians will assume full responsibility for the supply and transportation of all medications.
3.   Parents/guardians may administer medication to their child on a scheduled basis arranged with the school.  Students are not permitted to carry prescribed or over-the-counter medications on a school campus without proper paperwork on file with the school’s representative.
4.      Parents/guardians may pick up unused medications from the school office during and at the close of the school year. Medications remaining after the last day will be discarded.
1.      A request form for prescribed or over-the-counter medication must be completed by the pupil’s physician, signed by the parent or guardian, and filed with the school administrator or his/her designated representative.
2.      The container must be clearly labeled by the physician or pharmacy with the following information:
Student’s name
Physician’s name
Name of medication
Dosage, schedule (specific to school) and dose form
Date of expiration of prescription or course
3.      Each medication is to be in a separate pharmacy container prescribed for the student by a California physician.
1.      The school administrator will assume responsibility for placing medications in a locked cabinet.
2.      Students will be assisted with taking medications according to the physician’s instructions and the procedure observed by a school staff member.